Updated January, 2024

Ron Lyons, THE Celina Real Estate Pro
I'll say what needs to be said: most real estate agents are terrible. Don't get me wrong, I love them personally, but work-wise? Nope. Why do I say this? Because real estate is a "fallback" career for MOST agents. The truth is, it doesn't take much to become a real estate agent in Texas. Most of them aren't "masters" of their craft but rather "barely get by" and hurry to happy hour type people. And how many real estate agents are there in north Texas? A recent study showed one agent per eight residents. That's insane. One to eight.
Proof of the super saturated Realtor component in Celina is evidenced by a recent post on the 'All About Celina" Facebook page where someone asked for a Realtor referral that REALLY knew Celina. As of the time of this post, there were over 321 responses to the post. Three hundred and twenty-one! Folks, we DO NOT have that many highly qualified agents in Celina. We have a FEW highly skilled agents in Celina and many people with real estate licenses.
For me, real estate is a way of life. I live it, breathe it and exercise my real estate muscles every day. I own quite a few properties in Celina and care very much about the city, property values, and where we go as a community.
Another thing I do is exclusively focus on Celina. Sure, I COULD do real estate anywhere in Texas. But, I want to be a specialist in a city and focus all of my time, effort, and skills on that city, which for me is Celina, Texas. I am a master of my craft and love putting my skills to work for clients who always become friends. I love the deal. In fact, I love the ART of the deal. I have major command presence, and I thrive on conflict. That probably makes me the worst person to work in line at Chic-Fil-A but the BEST person to handle your very important real estate deal.
You can read all about me right here, but for now, let's learn a bit more about Celina, Texas.

Celina, Texas, 31 Years Ago
Back in the early '90s, I had been working in my family's real estate business for a handful of years. It sounds somewhat braggadocious, but the truth is, I was good at it. In fact, too good for my age. Since it was the family business, I had a burning desire to strike out on my own and do my own thing.
I decided to become a police officer, put myself through the academy, and ultimately ended up getting hired by the Celina Police Department. On my very first day on patrol in Celina, I pulled into the town square and saw a pickup truck with a few young men in the bed trying to rope a friend who was running on foot ahead of the truck. I knew I wasn't in Dallas anymore.
Back then, the population in Celina, Texas, was about 1900 people. The highway that ran through town was called State Highway 289 (later to be known as Preston Road.) There wasn't a real estate boom taking place, and many people had not yet heard of Celina, Texas.
I used to patrol the small, quiet streets of Celina and think about what it might cost to buy a home there. Many of the homes for sale were pier and beam, wood-framed houses. There was a small number of brick homes for sale in Celina, TX, but not enough to make more than a small neighborhood.
There must have been two or three Realtors in Celina, TX, back in those days, and as far as I could tell, they handled every real estate transaction that came along. There were no sizeable real estate brands in Celina back then, and quite honestly, they probably weren't needed as everyone knew everyone in town.
Fast forward to today, and there are so many Realtors in Celina, Texas, that you can throw a rock and hit five of us. Every day that you go to your mailbox, you can count on three things, bills, junk mail, and something from a Celina. TX. Realtor. I realize that every piece of mail you get says, "Hey, I'm the best Celina Realtor" or "Hello, I'm the highest-rated Realtor in Celina." Of course, you truly do need the best Celina, TX Realtor, so later in this article, I will outline what you should look for before hiring a Celina, TX Realtor.
Celina, Texas One Hundred Forty One Years Ago
Celina, Texas 141 years ago, was just a collection of north Texas dust and a handful of tumbleweeds. A gentleman named John Mulkey (who would later become the City of Celina, Texas' first Postmaster) had the idea that a city should be built on that patch of earth. His hometown was in Tennessee and was called Celina. For reasons unknown, Mulkey thought that Celina was a fitting name for this town in the making as well.
In 1881, Mulkey's little town received its first post office. Little did Mulkey know that his little dream for a city was going to one day be the second-largest city in Collin County and set for a significant boom in the 2020s. From his perspective of only 150 residents in 1884, it probably never seemed possible that his town would one day become what it is today.
Later, in 1902, the St. Louis, San Francisco, and Texas railway was making tracks through the area and established a depot just north of where most of the town was situated then. History tells us that the townfolks of Celina decided to pick up and move closer to the train depot, which is where you will find the modern-day City of Celina, Texas. If you were to trace the one mile or so line to the former location of Celina, Texas, you would find that it sits in the general vicinity of the Glendenning Parkway and the Old Celina Cemetary.
The Old Celina Cemetary (https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/5735/old-celina-cemetery) is interesting because the oldest known grave within it is one belonging to a child that died in 1884, just a few years after Celina, Texas showed up on maps with its official post office. There is nothing left of the original Celina townsite other than the Old Celina Cemetary. A historical marker was placed there in 1976 that details how the land was donated in 1884 by a man named WJ Bounds.
Back then, the townfolks placed the houses and the buildings that had made up "old Celina" onto giant rollers and pulled them to the location of "New Celina." imagine the undertaking, moving a town!
In 1907, Celina, Texas, was incorporated and a short eight years later, had the first road made only for vehicular traffic known as the "Celina Pike."
Of course, over the decades since then, Celina Texas has continued to grow and improve. Today the City of Celina is working with the North Texas Turnpike Authority to extend the build-out of the North Dallas Tollway through Celina.
In 1910, the land that is now downtown Celina, Texas, was a bit of property owned by William Willock. A company was employed to plat the town and sell the lots to people who wanted to build new homes in Celina, Texas. Some of those original homes still exist and are considered some of the most beautiful homes for sale in Celina. As the population increases, home sales in Celina, Texas, will indeed take off. Still, these older, original houses will stand for many years as a testament to the skill of the innovative homebuilders in Celina, Texas.

Where Can I learn Get a Real "Feel" For Celina, TX Today?
If you want to get a TRUE feel for what living in Celina, Texas is really like, I would recommend going to my Podcast called CelinaRadio.com and listening to as many episodes as you can. Everyone from city council members, school board members and local business leaders and even entertainers are on the show. It's brilliantly Informative and never boring.
Celina, Texas Today
Celina, Texas, in 2024, is still a small town by most people's standards. However, with the massive growth taking place in nearby Frisco, Texas, it is just a matter of time before Celina, Texas, is added to the list of fastest-growing cities in the United States. Currently, The City of Celina is one of the fastest-growing cities in the DFW area.
Current estimates are that Celina has a population of over 40K people living within its roughly 78K miles of city territory. The City of Celina sits in both Collin and Denton Counties. The significant roadways through Celina are Preston Road and The North Dallas Tollway.
As a person who was present and a part of the significant growth of Frisco, Texas, I can see the same thing happening to Celina now. Real energy and some fantastic talent are coming forward within the Celina city council and on many of the boards that are shaping the future of Celina, Texas. As a Realtor serving the Frisco, Prosper, and Celina area, I am very excited about this incredible growth and the future of Celina, Texas.
At full build-out, Celina is expected to be at over 350K in population. Frisco has the "$5 Billion Mile" that has been renamed the "Frisco Platinum Corridor," which is essentially where all of the commercial and business-related growth is happening in Frisco. However, there is a deeper, more significant growth corridor that runs from Frisco up to Celina, Texas. Anything between the Dallas North Tollway and Custer Road is considered to be in this "growth corridor."
How Will Celina Keep The Small Town Feel?
The City of Celina government knows that one of the greatest appeals to life in Celina is the "small town feel." But how do you preserve that in a town destined for a population of over 350K? The answer? You keep the historic downtown small, filled with events that are reminiscent of the history of Celina, Texas and appeal to business owners that will also help save the heritage that makes Celina so special. So far, this has been a major accomplishment for the city and I expect that it will continue to preserve the small town feel that is anchored in our historic Celina Town Square. It's part of what makes life in Celina so great.
Celina, Texas City Government
Celina, Texas, is a "council-manager" form of government, meaning there are an elected mayor, six at-large city council members, and a city manager appointed by the council.
Who Are The Mayor And Council Members Of Celina, Texas?
Ryan Tubbs, Mayor
Philip Ferguson, Place 1
Jay Pierce, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2
Andy Hopkins, Place 3
Wendie Wigginton, Place 4
Mindy Koehne, Place 5
Brandon Grumbles, Place 6
Robert Ranc, City Manager
Celina, Texas Police Department
Having been a Celina police officer for several years before moving on to become a Frisco, Texas police officer, I have had the opportunity to watch the department grow. In the early '90s, we had a very small department, and the station was in the back of the building at the corner of Ohio and Walnut. Back then, City Hall was considered the front side of the building.
Chief John Cullison leads the Celina Police Department. The department is made up of men and women who genuinely want to provide a high level of service to the Celina, Texas community. And, after having many years of experience in the law enforcement realm, I can say that Chief Cullison is exactly who the City for Celina needs to guide the department forward in this stage of the city's phenomenal growth.
You can find my interview with Chief John Cullison on my CelinaRadio.com Podcast Here.
Some of the initiatives of the Celina Police Department include participation in the National Night Out, Blue Santa, Hoopin' With The Blue, Public Safety Day. The Celina PD also participates in DEA National RX Take Back Day, Preventing Substance Abuse Among Minors, Lock Take and Hide, and Firearms Safety.
There are volunteer opportunities with the Celina Police Department, but for kids aged 13-17 and for adults 18 and over. These groups may assist the Celina Police with community events and other special events as they arise. The City of Celina Police Department also maintains a clergy volunteer group. (https://www.celina-tx.gov/1099/Volunteer-Program)
Celina, Texas Fire Department
Established in 1912, The Celina Fire Department has grown into a thriving, community-oriented fire department. Over the years, the Celina Fire Department has reached many milestones, including the purchase of its first fire engine in 1939, the hiring of its first full-time firefighter in 2001, and now, in 2021, the opening of its second full-service fire station.
Currently, the Celina Fire Department maintains three engines, a quint, two brush trucks, and four ambulances. The Celina Fire Department has a full-time Fire Chief/Fire Marshal, an Operations Chief, An EMS/Emergency Management Chief, two Fire Inspectors, three Battalion Chiefs, three Captains, six Driver Operators, and 26 firefighter/paramedics.
Fire Station Number One is on Preston Road, just north of Business 289 (Louisiana St.), and Fire Station Number Two is in the Light Farms addition.
When I worked as a Celina Police Officer, we used to get our ambulance services from Frisco. In those days, it didn't seem to take too long to get a medic unit from Frisco to Celina. With all of the growth between Frisco and Celina, Texas, I can't imagine what it would be like waiting for an ambulance to arrive today. Thankfully, that's not necessary anymore! The Celina Fire Department has grown with the city, and as new residents continue to move to Celina, they can rest assured that they are being served with a very committed fire department.
Celina, Texas ISD
Celina ISD, is expansive at nearly 96 square miles, serving residents of Collin and Denton counties, and several surrounding smaller communities such as Weston. The Celina ISD is currently one of the fastest-growing public school districts in the State of Texas. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celina_Independent_School_District)
The Celina Independent School District currently has more than 2,500 students, with one high school, one junior high, and two elementary schools. Celina ISD also maintains one early childhood school.
As more and more people from across the metroplex and the country come seeing homes for sale in Celina, TX., the school system will continue to grow and accommodate the increased growth. Plans are in place for futures school needs, educators, and administrators within the Celina ISD.

Celina, Texas Football
Even if you don't know much about Celina, Texas just yet, almost everyone has heard of the Celina Bobcats. The Celina Bobcat is the mascot of the world-famous Celina High School Football Team. Why are the Celina Bobcats so renowned? They have eight state championships in Texas, including 2007, 2005, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1995, and 1974.
As part of my Celina Real Estate Show, I recently interviewed Coach Bill Elliott (the head coach of the Celina Bobcats), and I believe this video is a must-watch. Coach Elliott describes what makes the football team so successful, and it's probably not what you would expect.
If you have ever watched the movie "Friday Night Lights," then you have an idea of what Celina High School Football is all about. I would encourage everyone, even if you haven't yet moved to Celina, to get out and enjoy a Celina High School Football Game. It's an experience that you need to have at least once in your life.
Celina, Texas Real Estate
Celina real estate is just about to go crazy. I say this because I was present when the real estate boom hit Frisco back in the late '90s. Celina, Texas is poised to be the next big thing in the DFW area. The Celina, real estate market, is already healthy with a large number of new home builders coming into Celina and creating new neighborhoods, but this is nothing like it will be.
By being in the growth corridor, Celina is poised to be a significant employment center, a hub for shopping and restaurants as well as a real player in the local real estate market. New home builders in Celina, Texas, have already started making plans for future developments and master-planned communities.
Who Are The New Homebuilders In Celina, Texas?
DR Horton Homebuilders
Highland Homes
MI Homes
Shaddock Homebuilders
K Hovnanian Homes
Lennar Homes
Meritage Homes
First Texas Homes
Beazer Homes
Drees Homes
M/I Homes
Perry Homes
Megatel Homes
American Legend Homebuilders
Impression Homes
Coventry Homebuilders
David Weekley Homes
Pulte Homes
Plantation Homes
MainVue Homes
David R Williams Homes
What Neighborhoods Are In Celina, Texas?
Glenn Crossing
Carter Ranch
Mustang Lakes
Blue Wood
Buffalo Ridge
Creeks of Legacy
Light Farms
Sutton Fields
The Homestead of Ownsby
Twelve Oaks
In a recent check of the Multiple Listing Service, I ran a search and determined that as of today, there are 319 active Real Estate listings in Celina, Texas. These listings do not include all of the new homes or new construction homes for sale by home builders. Another check of the MLS for the number of homes sold in Celina, Texas, over the last 90 days, showed 222 homes sold.
How To Buy A Previously Owned Home In Celina, Texas
First and foremost, finding a Celina, TX Realtor, or a Celina, TX real estate agent is essential. Of course, finding the best Celina, TX Realtor, is the very best choice. So, once you reach out to me, we will set a time informally meet and discuss your real estate needs. One thing that I fully understand is that for some people, selling a home or a house is like getting teeth pulled. It's painful and not so much fun. Therefore, I don't meet with you and try to sell you on my services. Instead, I meet with you to see how I can genuinely help you, how I can improve your life with my real estate skills.
After we meet, I will begin to send you a list of Celina homes for sale that fit the general specifications of what you need, including square footage, number of rooms, and so on. When you get the list, look through it, pay particular attention to the photos, and see what catches your eye. (As a side note, if you ever decide to place your home for sale, remember the importance of good photographs.)
Soon, we will be out looking at all of the Celina, Texas homes for sale. Some aspects of each one will stand out to me as something that you prefer, and equally, some elements of the homes for sale will also stand out as negatives. As we tour the homes for sale in Celina, TX, I will start to formulate a better idea of what you prefer in a new home.
Once we find the home that you are interested in buying, that's when the real work starts. It's at this time that the differences between every other Realtor and myself begin to show. How? Well, most Realtors and real estate agents know how to go through the motions, but in my experience, they cannot look deep into your situation and help you make the very best choice. What I mean is that Realtors are great paper pushers and know how to get an offer written up and submitted for you; however, they cannot think deeply about whether the property is going to be the best home for you and your family in three years and such.
Not only do I excel at thinking through your life situation and how well the home for sale in Celina, TX is best for you or not, but I also excel at negotiating the best deal for you. Negotiations on real estate deals are something that a shocking number of Realtors and real estate agents are not good at performing. It's true; many real estate agents and Realtors hate conflict and will not engage in serious negotiations on your behalf. The result? You don't get the deal you want, or you end up losing money.
During this process of searching the Celina, TX homes for sale, we will connect you with some of the best mortgage professionals in the metroplex to help you get financing if you need it. I will work hand in hand with the mortgage pro to make this entire process as easy for you as possible.
Once we work out the details of your offer, I will write up your offer and submit it to the seller's agent. I will always make your offer as healthy as possible and put all of my former police officer experience to work in negotiating the deal for you.
Remember when I said most real estate agents and Realtors do not like negotiations because they feel like conflict. Well, I don't mind conflict at all. I can shine in battle, which means you, as a buyer, have a massive advantage when I work for you and negotiate your deal. It seems odd that people who work in real estate would not be great at negotiating, but they aren't. It's a fact, and it's one that makes me the best Celina Realtor (or the best Celina real estate agent) for you.
Once the deal is agreed to, I will walk you through the closing process. That means that I will be with you as we go through the inspection process, renegotiate anything that requires it, and, ultimately, meet you at the closing table. I'm old school, and I believe in providing excellent service. That means I will show up at your closing and sit with you as you sign all the papers.
How To Buy A Home From A Builder In Celina, Texas
Oddly, many homebuyers do not know that you should always take a Realtor or real estate agent with you when you are shopping for a new home from a home builder. But, it's true, you can save lots of money and get even more in builder concessions when you have the best Realtor representing you.
The fact is, most Realtors get a list of new homes for sale in Celina, TX, from the new home builders that many average buyers do not get to access. Not only that, but a full list of home builder concessions, rebates, and special incentives are also listed. But it's not so much the list of homes that makes having a Realtor with you on a new home purchase as much as it the ability of the Realtor to negotiate a better deal for you. Of course, as I said earlier, depending on whether or not your real estate agent or Realtor can negotiate well at all.
Before we ever look at new homes in Celina, TX., I will have an excellent idea of what you are looking for and which new home builders are offering a product that I believe you will prefer. We will go together and tour the new home models in Celina and see what strikes you as impressive.
Once we find the best fit for you in a home from a Celina, TX homebuilder, I will go to work negotiating the absolute best deal possible for you. Remember, you are the boss, and I work for you. Once we reach an acceptable agreement, I will make sure that the home builder's contract is complete with all of the protections that you deserve.
Following the submission of the contract to the new home builder in Celina, TX, I will work through the entire process with you from contract to closing. If the new home is under construction, I will check on it weekly and take photos to send to you regarding progress. Meeting with the home builder or the construction foreman is something that I am good at, and I'm pleased to do it for you.
If the home is completed, I will meet with the inspector and the new construction home builder to make sure that every little detail gets handled. I know how to look for things that most people who try to represent themselves on a new home purchase have never had to deal with.
How To Sell A Home In Celina, Texas
Selling a home in Celina, Texas, is getting to be more competitive than ever before. There are more homes for sale in Celina, TX, right now, and that makes it critical that you have the best or highest rated Realtor in Celina, Texas, working on your behalf.
With so much competition out there, you might think that people are putting their best foot forward when trying to sell a home in Celina, TX. However, this just isn't the case. A quick look at all of the Celina, TX home listings will show everything from ill-prepared houses for sale to terrible home photography.
My process is to meet with you and discuss your thoughts on selling your home. I will prepare a report that shows what your home will likely sell for in the current market as well. Part of the process is walking your house to see if anything needs special attention or improvement. I have a crew of home repair personnel that can come in and paint, make repairs, update and upgrade anything that you may need or want to be done to your house before we list it for sale in the real estate market.
Our goal is to make your home look exactly like what the next potential home buyer is looking for when they walk into your home for sale. That means it needs to be clean, well set for showing, and appeal to all of their senses when they tour your house for sale. Not only does your home need to look beautiful and clean, but it also needs to smell good, have some music playing in the background, and be light, bright, and open.
I always provide free professional photography for my clients when I am listing their homes for sale. Having professional photography is critical to making a great first impression online. People who are shopping for homes for sale in Celina, TX, are probably going to see your house online first. Let's be sure that it looks incredible. Again, don't worry, I will pay for the photography out of my pocket so that we can ensure that your Celina, TX home for sale, becomes a home that sold for top dollar in Celina, TX.
Most Frequently Asked Questions About Celina, Texas
Is Celina, Texas a good place to live?
Yes, Celina, Texas is a wonderful place to live. The schools are terrific, the hometown feel is still very strong and the community is accepting and wonderful. It's also a great place to live because if you purchase a home in Celina now, just before the massive boom hits, your property value will skyrocket over the next years.
What is the Celina, Texas zip code?
What county is Celina, Texas in?
Celina is located in both Collin and Denton Counties.
How do you pronounce Celina, Texas?
It is pronounced 'Sell-Eye-Na."
How far is Celina, Texas from Dallas?
Celina is about 40 miles north of Dallas, Texas, measured city hall to city hall.
How To Hire The Best Realtor In Celina, Texas
I could just say that you found me, but that would be rather presumptuous. Instead, I'll explain a little bit about us Realtors that you might like to know. First of all, many Realtors are in business because it was a "fall back" option for them when they decided they "needed a change" or got fired from their chosen profession. In fact, many agents and Realtors just do real estate part time. What does this mean for you? A lot, actually. If you needed a doctor for some important reason and found one that worked part time and the other part of their work week was spent in some other profession, you'd likely get about that same amount of focus -half. And, I hope that you would never want to use a doctor who worked part time as a doctor and part time as an administrative assistant somewhere else. The truth is that you need someone that not only treats their profession as a job, but as an art. A full time art. And, find the one that works hard every day to master that art.
The second most important thing is that most agents certainly know how to do the paperwork related to real estate, but they rarely know how to negotiate a deal for you, nor do they really want to. Wait, what? A real estate agent or Realtor that doesn't want to negotiate a deal? That's right. Most agents HATE conflict and will avoid it at all costs. What that means for you is that you will NEVER get the deal that you truly could have and that you actually should have. Of course, you'll never know because the agent won't tell you and other than reading this, no one else is going to tell you either. This happens all day, every day in deals all across the country.
For me, going to the mat, fighting for you and getting the best deal of the highest offer is NORMAL. It's the old cop in me, I can't help it. I am comfortable around conflict and have learned to feed off of it to make it an asset to my clients when it's time to work out a deal. Now, don't misunderstand, I don't mean that I am rude, unprofessional or anything like that. What I am saying is that I am a straight shooting, somewhat intense negotiator. I love what I do and I'm good at it. The only place you probably don't want to be is on the other side of a deal.
Of course, finding an agent that is well versed in all of the current technologies, creative marketing and such is a given. The old ways of doing things is over. These days it's all about creating amazing images, video and other content then blasting that out to the RIGHT people. Not ANY people.
There is a lot to look for in an agent and their skill set, and most of the time ANY agent can get the basic job done. But, if you want the job done spectacularly, contact me. I LOVE Celina and I can help you accomplish your mission and realize your dreams.
Celina, Texas, is a dynamic and quickly growing community that is a beautiful place to do life. If you are interested in my assistance in realizing your Celina, Texas dreams, contact me. I promise to work harder for you and your family than any Realtor or agent out there.